How Artificial Intelligence Plays A Role In Cybersecurity

With the humongous spike in internet usage and cyber interaction of users, the exposure to cyber threats has also hiked. Cyberattacks have grown in volume, complexity, and proportion making it more challenging for analysts to combat the situation. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in which caters to the increase in cybersecurity by analyzing patterns and drastically reducing response time. AI has grown exponentially in the hindsight and is predicted to bring secure application development and usage mitigating cyber threats. Client of organizations small, medium, and large are going through digital transformation by using contemporary methodologies modernizing data, infrastructure, and applications. They stick to the baseline to protect, detect and respond to the majority of complex scenarios by gauging the inputs. 

Benefits of AI

Since the information base has grown over the past few decades it has become rather tough to respond to the ever-increasing demands of securing the applications and services. With AI the analysts inundated with a plethora of things to do with too much data are regulated and managed. To make the right AI system, the right data is required to train the AI model on appropriate data.

Detecting Network Threats

The AI system works on an ever-learning model which implies the more data the system interacts with the more robust the model becomes moderating the chance of breach or fallout. AI helps in mapping the relationships between malware, malicious files, suspicious IP addresses, or insiders in seconds or minutes and uses its techniques to identify network behaviour with deep learning and machine learning which improves network security over a period. Then, it reports any anomalies or deviations from the pattern to monitor security breaches if any.

Detecting New Threats

Every year there are millions of attacks directed towards violating systems’ or network’s data and it is almost impossible to track them down by humans. Using AI any breach is monitored easily by the system and helps to take preventive actions to tweak the business strategy and come up with robust methodologies. Nowadays even a midsize organization has a huge amount of data over traffic which means security personnel cannot monitor all the data single-handedly this is where AI comes in. AI can handle a vast amount of data and crunch them to emerge with appropriate measures that prevent any system harm or fallout.

Sophisticated Algorithms

With the aid of modern methodologies, AI can monitor and detect even the minutest diversion from the normal process and block or treat it before it enters the system. AI uses predictive intelligence with Natural Language Processing (NLP) which reads data through papers, news, articles, and studies on potential cyber threats. Since cybercriminals follow patterns too what’s popular with them changes along with trends too and therefore AI can come up with strategies to deal with them meticulously. AI helps identify what is a safe route for the systems’ process and what is risky.

Better Platform Prediction

There is a large number of devices used today for applications or services and therefore securing these endpoints or devices is instrumental in managing systems. AI has gained traction in catering to these measures and making the system all the more robust. Antivirus and VPNs are also pivotal in securing the system but they act on signature and if the signature is not updated the recent malware or virus can make an impact on the system. With AI-driven protection plans the system trains itself over behaviour and if there is some eccentricity it immediately flags it down and is treated individually.


AI is adopted at a large scale nowadays since the spread of data is huge and human detection over this amount of data is not possible. With AI there is self-analysis and any obstruction or anomaly is immediately reported and treated to prevent system fallout. The breach report is prioritized keeping in the account which task should be handled the first-hand and direct incident response to identify malware attacks even before they are directed.

If you need any assistance from our team for your AI requirements drop a mail at

Till then Ciao!

5 points you should consider while hiring remote developers

It is a daunting task hiring remote developers while you don’t know their competency and cant gauge their performance based on prior track records. It is pivotal for the business growth to hire pro-coders that are adept at what they do and tech-savvy with expertise in cutting-edge technology. Remote developers that have in-depth knowledge of their domain and are well versed with the coding ecosystem are the best suited to drive the business. Since the pandemic has hit the market remote developers have gained traction and organizations have become more enlightened for hiring best ranked remote developers. 

The lockdown has thrown a spotlight on the capabilities of remote developers and spiked their popularity in the market. But, since the reliability of remote developers needs to be assessed before hiring them full-time, here are a few pointers that need to be considered before signing the contract. 

  • Hire Experienced Developers: Experienced developers are well-acquainted with the language and know the ins and outs of the coding domain adeptly. Hiring a long-time employed or freelancing developer puts life into the code and works with business ethics to deliver quality work. The more experienced the developer is the more quality-driven their work is. Long time commitment means versatility in the work and competitive advantage in the business morals. These developers can be measured via parameters like Frontend Developers, Backend Developers, System Architects, Full Stack Developers, Deep Tech Developers, Design and QA, etc for full-force vital presentation.
  • Seasoned In Technology: With the advent of technology plethora of coding languages and frameworks have evolved. This implies the developers have a pool of talent to learn from and be devoted to learns a fistful of languages to gain expertise into. Therefore, if you are looking for hiring a developer for your project you must look into the resume that sparkles in your aimed programming language to ensure the remote developer understands the concept of the targeted language end-to-end. This encapsulates the starting point to the result with a seamless performance. Thus you can hire developers, solution architects, quality analysts, and designers to create an extended top-performing team.
  • In-Depth Expertise: For a slaying performance of your business you must have a top-performing team. This spearheads your business in the direction of popularity, reliability, and gaining more customers. To ensure this you must have a team that is honed and shaped with the technical aspects and fits well for your remote development capabilities. This means you don’t need to constantly train the team since they stay afloat with the latest trends are well informed about the revamped technologies. Thus you can provide them the guidelines and let them work to extract maximum value out of the business. They can work with deep technologies like Blockchain, Big Data, etc.
  • Dedicated Knowledge of Vertical: Since the market is vast several verticals need to be addressed and attended meticulously to derive worth out of it. Apart from info about the programming languages the developers also need to have a flavor of how the various verticals work so they can add significance to the output and extract maximum taste out of their work. For this dedicated developers are required that are curated for definite verticals and understand the linguistics of targeted business to deliver quality. So, you must look for developers that have knowledge of domains like healthcare, finance, real estate, manufacturing, etc. This makes it easy for the developers to drive assessment and give optimum engagement.
  • Trial Period: It is best to define a period to assess the performance of the developer on various parameters to scale their capabilities. This can be measured on factors like accuracy, time consumed, and expertise in technology viz. iOS development, Android development, Windows Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Flutter Apps, Kiosk Apps, etc. In the trial the wellbeing of the business can be measured via developers and the ranking of business entity can also be measured. By determining how the remote developers add stars to the business performance they can be hired to revamp business presence.

Therefore, this was an insight into the aspects that need to be considered while hiring remote developers. In case you need to hire remote developers you can contact us at and we will walk you through our developers’ various technologies expertise. Our pool of talented and top developers is just what you need to keep your business stand out. Stay hooked, we will be back with an informative blog soon till then Ciao!

6 Points To Consider Before Hiring A Remote Development Team

While the pandemic has shaken the foundation of most organizations, it has also allowed them to tweak their policies and adopt other methodologies to become a strategic enabler of business agility. Remote working has become the new trend with WFH is a popular acronym now. While the internet is encompassed with a variety of freelancing workers now it has become easy for the talent acquisition team of organizations to look for competent candidates to fulfill the role. With pandemic, remote developers are on a boom and companies can leverage their capabilities at an economical investment. Offshore employees serve similar or more capabilities and deliver quality output for technical development necessities.

There are several specifications that organizations take into consideration while hiring a development team viz.

  • The cost of hiring and training in-house developers is high.
  • The organization’s size is not apt for hiring a full-time developer.
  • The ROI is may not be yet registered so no guarantee if full-time developers will be beneficial.
  • Delving full-time developers translates to disclosing intricate details of the organization which may not be apt.
  • More infrastructure cost and expenditure of maintaining a physical office.

These points are accountable for whether a company should hire full-time employees or not. A quick solution to this is looking for an outsourced team that works at a rather lower cost. Here, hiring remote developers who work on a project basis comes with an economical option. Remote developers allow experimenting with the capability of various offshore candidates and shuffling among them based on their competency. Since background check is an intricate element of hiring remote developers, there are several more factors to be monitored closely before hiring remote developers.

Points To Consider While Hiring Remote Development Team

While hiring remote development teams has become a trend in times of pandemic, certain guidelines need to be followed to bring the best performance for organizations. The remote developers need to be adept at what they do and have a fair track record. There is a checklist that needs to be ticked before hiring them:

  • Background Verification: It is the most basic component while hiring an offshore development team. The team members need to have their documents ready and must have already worked on a couple of projects. This derives the performance ratio of each team member and marks credibility to their name. It may help in highlighting the black sheep in the team if any. Therefore, the best part is hiring remote developers who are only top-rated by prior projects and reliable enough to handle the coding standards remotely.
  • Social Media Presence: To tick the reliability of the team their members can be traced via their online presence on social media platforms and LinkedIn which has their professional records. It becomes seamlessly easier to monitor their professional records and build transparency while checking the remote development team’s members. Once the presence is authenticated there is reliability that the remote team can be taken to the next level of verification.
  • Ultralow Hiring Rates: It is always advisable to stay off from companies that offer incredibly low charges since an organization with a quality workforce will not jeopardize their revenue by going in unbelievable low charges’ contracts and exploit the workforce. Their extremely low cost may cry out loud for attention by getting into too low-profit contract. This may seem fishy at first and who knows could compromise on quality as well. Therefore, it is best advised to not enter into a contract with such organizations and look for teams that do not compromise too much on cost and quality.
  • Checking The Legitimacy: Since the market is full of spammers it is quite possible that you may fall under their trap. This implies that while you are entering into a contract with a remote developers’ team you may scan through their records thoroughly and look for any red flags in the process. It is easy nowadays to paint the black white so hiring an illegitimate team may ultimately throw your organization off-guard and become a loss affair in dismay.
  • Administering Past Records: While you are entering a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with an offshore development team, you must verify all the documents carefully so that there is no loophole discovered later. The organization with which you are binding a contract should present to you the list of past projects they may have worked on to prove their credibility.
  • Technology Expertise: When hiring a remote development team it is mandatory to specify the technologies that need to be worked upon. For instance, whether the application is developed for iOS or Android platforms, whether it is for AR/VR apps, web apps, mobile apps, IoT apps, AI-driven apps like Chatbots, etc. 

While these were a few pointers to consider while hiring a remote development team, there are several benefits to it as well.

Benefits of Hiring Remote Development Team:

  • Cost-Effective Work-Life Balance: Since the remote development team works essentially until the project is delivered there is a great work-life balance. The developers’ every hour becomes accountable which means no dime is wasted while on the other hand they can wind up the project at a reasonable time and be billed for each hour and their time becomes valuable and thus there is no waste of resources. The resources can also work from home and therefore adhere even more to the work-life balance.
  • Improved Productivity: The remote development team becomes autonomous and therefore takes responsibility for the entire productivity of the project. Every nitty-gritty is noted down and frequent prototypes are shared with the offshore team for their approval. A destined result is shared with the hiring organization and there is no waste of timeline. 
  • No micromanagement: In a remote work environment there is no micromanagement of resources since the developers work independently without any supervising body. The team lead here guides the team to work at a certain pace and encapsulate the best practices of coding. The remote development team can give its best input and also learn on the go.
  • Flexible Timing: Since there is no bound timeline for working hours the development team can work at their disposal and be flexible with their timeline. This gives the team creative independence to deliver best of the quality and work with a clearer head. Overall, no adherence to timeframe makes the team give its best input and gets a competitive advantage in the market.

These were few points that instill you to look for a remote development team. In case you too are looking for a remote development team to meet your business goal you can always leverage the capabilities of Savitriya’s robust team. For getting in touch mail at and take the first steps of many brilliant ones.

We will be back with another wonderful list of tips, till then:
